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Citizen Science Permission Slip



1) July 8-25, 2024

This summer, students will investigate the health of the NYC Watershed by collecting, analyzing, and synthesizing data. They will learn how to measure and evaluate the chemical, biological, and physical indicators that determine a river’s health. They will learn how to follow complex multistep procedures when carrying out experiments, taking measurements, or performing technical tasks. Students will also learn to organize and write up their findings in a scientific report.

2) July 26, 2024

This is an opportunity for students to present their three weeks of scientific research to an authentic audience. Students will be presenting the data that they collected and analyzed along with recommendations for improving the quality of the NYC watershed to community members, Teachers College staff and faculty, family members, and community organizers. This is an opportunity for students to reflect on their three weeks of scientific research and what it means to them and the community. It is also an opportunity for students to celebrate their accomplishments. 

Trip Dates,: Start and return locations and times.


Trip Focus

Start time & location

End time & location

1) Randall’s Island 

July 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 2024

Data collection, analysis, and synthesis

20 Randall’s Island Park, New York, NY 10035


20 Randall’s Island Park, New York, NY 10035

2) Bronx River Park, West Farms Rapids Park, Starlight Park, and Concrete Plant Park 

July 15, 16, 17, 18, 2024

Data collection, analysis, and synthesis


180th street and Boston Rd, Bronx NY 10460

  • July 15: Pod 1

  • July 16: Pod 2

  • July 17: Pod 3

  • July 18: Pod 1 and Pod 2 (Group A&B)

1087 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY 10460

  • July 15: Pod 2

  • July 16: Pod 3

  • July 17: Pod 1

1490 Sheridan Blvd, Bronx, NY, 10459

  • July 15: Pod 3

  • July 16: Pod 1

  • July 17: Pod 2

  • July 18: Pod 3 and Pod 2 (Group 3)


180th street and Boston Rd, Bronx NY 10460

  • July 15: Pod 1

  • July 16: Pod 2

  • July 17: Pod 3

  • July 18: Pod 1 and Pod 2 (Group A&B)

1087 E Tremont Ave, Bronx, NY 10460

  • July 15: Pod 2

  • July 16: Pod 3

  • July 17: Pod 1

1490 Sheridan Blvd, Bronx, NY, 10459

  • July 15: Pod 3

  • July 16: Pod 1

  • July 17: Pod 2

  • July 18: Pod 3 and Pod 2 (Group 3)

3) Shirley Chisholm State Park

July 19, 22, 23, 2024

Data collection, analysis, and synthesis


1750 Granville Payne Ave,  Brooklyn, NY 11239


1750 Granville Payne Ave,  Brooklyn, NY 11239

4) Shoelace Park

July 24, 25, 26 2024

Data collection, analysis, and synthesis


East 216th St & Bronx River Parkway, Bronx, NY 10467


East 216th St & Bronx River Parkway, Bronx, NY 10467


Trip Coordinator: Miles Rios &Maddie McCabe

Mode of Transportation: 


Mode of Transport

1) July 8-18, 2024, July 24-26, 2024 

Randall’s Island

Bronx River Park

West Farms Rapids Park

Starlight Park

Concrete Plant Park

Shoelace Park

Teacher’s College

(9AM - 1PM)

MTA (ticket provided by school)

2) July 19, 22, 23, 2024

Shirley Chisholm State Park

(9AM - 1PM)

School Bus (Free)


Specific Clothing/Equipment Required for this Trip: All normal school dress codes apply.

Student clothing does:

  • cover shoulders and midsection

  • include unripped bottoms such as: jeans, khakis, slacks, dresses, skirts and shorts (thigh should never be visible, whether male or female)


Student clothing does NOT:

  • include shirts with inappropriate symbols, graphics or logos that reference/symbolize gangs, nudity, violence, drugs, illegal activities and slurs

  • include shorts or skirts shorter than 1 inch above the knee

  • include open-toed shoes, like sandals

  • Show excessive skin (cleavage and bellies included)

  • Pants do not sag below the waistline (we should never see anyone’s underwear)

  1. I understand that there are risks of injury associated with the above-listed physical and sports activities and I consent to my child’s participation in all these activities except for the following:


  1. Please indicate below any permanent or temporary medical or other condition, including special dietary and medication needs, or the need for visual or auditory aids, which should be known about your child:

  2. I agree that in the event of an emergency injury or illness, the staff member(s) in charge of the trip may act on my behalf and at my expense in obtaining medical treatment for my child.


  1. I understand that my child is expected to behave responsibly and to follow the school’s discipline code and policies.

  2. I agree and understand that I am responsible for the actions of my child. I release the school from all claims and liability that arise in connection with the trip, except if due to the negligence of school officials.


  1. I understand that I am responsible for getting my child to and from the departure and return sites identified above. I understand that my child shall be accompanied by staff member(s) during the trip, including while traveling from the departure site to the destination site, and from the destination site to the return site.


  1. I understand that alcoholic beverages and/or illegal drugs are prohibited and have discussed this prohibition with my child. I understand that if my child is found in possession of these substances, he/she will be subject to school disciplinary procedures and possible criminal prosecution.


  1. I understand that students who violate the school's discipline code may be excluded in the future by the school from participating in a trip.


  1. I give my permission for my child to participate in these school trips.

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