A note from Mr. Roberts

Greetings Maker Community,

I hope you are enjoying your summer. Students and families, I am writing to let you know that I will not be returning to Maker this fall.

For the past eight years it has been an absolute honor to serve you all.  I have done my best to show each and every student that I care for them and their future.  Students matter to me.  Maker has been excellent at letting me and my colleagues show this through student voice, meaningful learning, events, protests, games, celebrations, restorative circles, meditations and more. I am very proud of the harmony and solidarity that exists at Maker across such a diverse student body.

Students and families, I want to thank you for allowing me to show and grow my ability to be both caring and firm in supporting students through life lessons, challenges and successes. Thank you for helping to establish a collaborative culture of support and accountability, and believing and trusting in me as a guide and mentor.

I want you to know that despite me leaving, I have faith that these supports and values will continue to exist at Maker.  As you may have heard me say, “progress is a must”,  and it’s time for me to accept a new professional challenge.

I am still here for any student that needs my help or simply wants to talk.  My email is [email protected]. My love for Maker is forever. Makers make it happen!

To the students and families at Maker, much love! ❤️ Peace!

Urban Assembly Maker Academy