Updates about Student and Family Support

This week, the country has seen a drastic shift in immigration policy from Washington.  UA Maker recognizes that this shift could significantly impact some of our families.  

As we all face these changes together, UA Maker continues our committment to protecting and upholding the legal rights, humanity and dignity of all of our families.  Our school will continue to work with trusted city agencies, as well as the DOE, to understand the rapidly changing information as well as the impact it could have on Maker and our community.  Here is what we know at this time.

  1. Schools continue to be a SAFE space for all students which is protected by the 4th amendment of the constitution.  The official DOE stance has not changed in that no non-local law enforcement are permitted in the building without proper documentation signed by a judge.  Non-local law enforcement would include those persons working for US Immigration and Customs (I.C.E.).
  2. The expedited removal process was expanded in both time frame and area.  You can read more about the new process HERE which went into effect on January 21st, 2025.  The recommendation from the Nation Immigration Law Center is to carry proof, if you are able, of being continuously in the US for 2 years or more.  This could be a signed lease, church or school records with your address and a date.  We can supply school letters to any family who would like one in room 441.  
  3. We are working to schedule a presentation for our families by an outside agency that will explain the current landscape in more detail.  More information will be coming   

We recognize the intense challenges that some families face currently.  As the landscape changes, we will do our best to update our community.  If you have further questions, concerns or suggestions, please feel free to text/send to our school WhatsApp.  WhatsApp QR code can be found on HERE.


HELPFUL website resources

-          https://www.immigrantdefenseproject.org/know-your-rights-with-ice/

-          https://www.canva.com/design/DAGc9CyegNI/v0lyhSPhBZRlpMv8S-F73Q/view?utm_content=DAGc9CyegNI&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link2&utm_source=uniquelinks&utlId=h9bb78c517d

-          https://www.nilc.org/resources/know-your-rights-expedited-removal-expansion/