Hello Maker community!
May was a wonderful month here at Maker with our beautiful Gotham Park Block Party, student-led workshops celebrating Asian American Pacific Islander month, and seniors committing to colleges and post secondary pathways followed by the senior trip to Philadelphia!
It is with mixed emotions that we welcome June; we have so many exciting things to celebrate and so much to do in so little time. Please check in with your children on their stress levels and upcoming milestones. They can totally do this!
Now is a particularly important time to check their grades on Jumprope and to reach out to their teachers to collaborate on how to finish the year strong with their best foot forward. Check out this newsletter for information about our upcoming Field Day, Senior events, end of year testing and test preparation as well as information for closing out the school year.
In partnership,
Algebra regents
6/4/2024, 9 AM – 4 PM
Field day
6/5/2024, 9 AM – 1 PM
PTA General Meeting
6/5/2024, 6 PM – 7:30 PM
Anniversary Day/ Chancellors Day (no students/staff pd)
6/6/2024, 9 AM – 4 PM
6/10/2024, 7 PM – 11 PM
Regents Administration (excluding June 17 and June 19, when schools are closed)
6/14/2024 – 6/26/2024, 12 AM – 11:59 PM
NO SCHOOL - Eid al-Adha
6/17/2024, 12 AM – 11:59 PM
NO SCHOOL - Juneteenth
6/19/2024, 12 AM – 11 PM
Algebra Regents June 4th
Only students who are sitting for the exam will report to the school!
Field Day is Wednesday June 5th!
There will be a bouncy house! And games! And food! And a LGBT+ Pride parade! To attend, students need to have this permission form filled out by a guardian.
June 6th: Students DO NOT report to school in person/Remote simulation
All schools have been asked to reach out to families about a simulation of remote learning that New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) is conducting on Thursday, June 6, a professional development day for staff. The reason they are doing this is to make sure that the school system is ready for a “pivot to remote learning” day in case of severe weather or other emergencies.
This is a nonattendance day for students and you do not need to have your child participate in this; however you are welcome to volunteer to do this if you like.
During the simulation, students and teachers will log on to NYCPS systems from 8:45-9:15 to engage in a school feedback session with their advisors. Zoom links and survey links will be posted in ADVISORY Google classrooms.
We realize this will not work for many of you as you have made other plans for this day. Participation is completely voluntary for students.
Regents Exams Begin June 14th
Only students who are testing need to report to school during this schedule . No students report on June 17 or June 19.
Say goodbye to the 23-24 School Year!
The last day of school is Wednesday, June 26th, and students must report to school for attendance, to pick up their report cards, and empty out their lockers. We will be open from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Students who will attend Summer School should know by then that they need to report to Governors Island starting on July 10th.
Prom - June 10th (7pm - 11pm: dinner served at 8pm) - 27-34 21st St, Long Island City, NY 1110 (ticket sales are over)
Graduation practices (MANDATORY)- Murry Bergtraum auditorium - June 14th (1pm - 3pm) - June 18th (10am - 12pm) (Seniors MUST attend both practices. Caps and gowns, tickets and senior gift will be given out at the second practice only)
Senior Awards night (senior families welcome - dinner will be served) - June 14th (4pm - 6pm); Maker cafeteria
2024 UA Maker Graduation - June 21st at 3pm; Murry Bergtraum auditorium - Doors will open at 2:15pm for those with "seated" tickets. - Every senior will receive 4 seated tickets for their family members to attend graduation. Additionally, all families have the opportunity to request two additional seated tickets for a maximum of 6 seated tickets per family. If your family is in need of more than 6 graduation tickets, you can also request up to 5 STANDING ROOM ONLY tickets. Guests with "standing room only" tickets will be asked to wait in the lobby until 2:45. At that time, they may enter and sit in any seat that is open or stand. - The ticket request survey is located in your child's "UAMAKER" email inbox. The email subject is "Graduation 2024 IMPORTANT information & link to request tickets". Students will need to log into the survey with the same username and password they use to log into their email account.
Legacy Projects
Every year, seniors at Urban Assembly Maker Academy produce legacy projects: real world projects that drive change and impact in their neighborhoods, city, country, and world. This year, we are excited to showcase an incredible range of capstone projects on our Showcase Day: June 13th from 10am-1pm at The Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC) in the Richard Harris Terrace. We are excited to invite families, community members, and industry partners to provide feedback and to celebrate our seniors for their accomplishments. Please join us! Email [email protected] with questions
3 Saturdays left for Saturday Academy: Regents Preparation
Saturday Academy will be hosted starting Saturday, March 16th from 10:00AM to 1:00PM at our school